PORFYROUSA ferry departs daily from the port of Neapolis in Laconia for Kythira and also does calls to Antikythira port twice a week.
IONIS is a ferry built by Greek hands in the golden age of Perama shipbuilding zone , in the 70s. The much-loved ferry after having sailed the Ionian seas for years, continues its long career on the Lavrio - Kea and Lavrio - Kythnos routes.
Prioritising the safety of passengers and crew, route consistency and respect for the environment, the company provides high-level services, contributing to the interconnection of the islands and strengthening of local economies.
With consistency and reliability, Porfyrousa has been serving the Neapolis - Kythira and Neapolis - Antikythira line since 2008, and Ionis runs routes from Lavrio to the Cycladic islands of Kea (Tzia) and Kythnos since 2020.
Το πλοίο είναι ιδιαίτερα παλιό, γεγονός το οποίο υποδεικνύεται έντονα από την επικρατούσα( σε όλους τους χώρους του πλοίου ) μυρωδιά υγρασίας και μούχλας. Στο χώρο με τις αριθμημένες θέσεις ιδιαίτερα, όχι μόνο μυρίζει υγρασία, αλλά και μυρωδιά βρώμικης τουαλέτας. Ελάχιστα τραπέζια πολύ κλειστός χώρος ειδικά όταν ταξιδεύει κανείς με βροχή. Οι περισσότερες καρέκλες είναι χαλασμένες και χρήζουν άμεσης επιδιόρθωσης. Τα μόνα προτερήματα του είναι η μεγάλη ποικιλία του κυλικείου, το οποίο και γενικότερα είναι άριστης ποιότητας και το γεγονός ότι ήταν στην ώρα του. Κατά τα άλλα, απαράδεκτο, συνθήκες ταξιδιού σχεδόν τριτοκοσμικες.
The boat was on time and everything fine but the boat is nothing like the modern standard of boat you find nowadays with other companies like seajet or blue star ferries. They really should upgrade! But all in all I can't complain. It got me from a to b.
Ionis is a ferry serving the Lavrio - Kea and Lavrio - Kythnos route since 2020. It has an ample inside seating area with air-type seats and also a sundeck to accommodate passengers and also has a garage. The ship is 96 meters long and has a cruising speed of 18.5 knots.
Porfyrousa is a ferry serving the Neapolis - Kythira and Neapolis - Antikythira route since 2008. It has an inside seating area with air-type seats and also a sundeck to accommodate passengers and also has a garage. The ship is 75 meters long and has a cruising speed of 11 knots.